
Showing posts from November, 2018

Welcome to The Computer Connoisseur!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first edition of The Computer Connoisseur! I'm Adam, and I'm a desktop computer building enthusiast. Building a computer is my favorite thing to do. When I'm not building one, I'm checking out the latest and greatest tech videos on Youtube, or browsing through computer part websites to see what's new. I like to think of computer building as akin to cooking or baking by following a recipe. While the individual parts needed to build a functional computer are each necessary, just the same as the ingredients in a specific recipe are, the end result of a computer build is also almost exclusively  dependent on an individual's personal choice and style. No two people will usually make the exact same thing using the same recipe, and I think the same applies to building your own computer. First, I do want to mention that I am not a cook. At all. I can make simple recipes, but I am not what you would call a culinary specialist in any